114,503 Kilometers
75,291 Kilometers
64,798 Kilometers
28,620 Kilometers In the late 1980s, Suzuki began working on re-creating a sporting image for their brand, and within 2 years a project car debuted at the Tokyo Motor Show. That project car was revealed as the Suzuki Cappuccino, and production began shortly thereafter. This vehicle boasts a
34,836 Kilometers In the late 1980s, Suzuki began working on re-creating a sporting image for their brand, and within 2 years a project car debuted at the Tokyo Motor Show. That project car was revealed as the Suzuki Cappuccino, and production began shortly thereafter. This vehicle boasts a
25,347 Kilometers In the late 1980s, Suzuki began working on re-creating a sporting image for their brand, and within 2 years a project car debuted at the Tokyo Motor Show. That project car was revealed as the Suzuki Cappuccino, and production began shortly thereafter. This vehicle boasts a
13,748 Kilometers In the late 1980s, Suzuki began working on re-creating a sporting image for their brand, and within 2 years a project car debuted at the Tokyo Motor Show. That project car was revealed as the Suzuki Cappuccino, and production began shortly thereafter. This vehicle boasts a